Hello! Thank you for visiting my page. My name is Mrs. Bryn Spangler, and I am currently in my 15th year of teaching Introduction to Chemistry. I attended the University of Pittsburgh and received my undergraduate degree in Psychology with a Minor in Chemistry. Upon graduating from PITT, I enrolled at UPJ to earn a degree in Education. After Student Teaching at both Somerset High School and Maclean's College in Auckland, New Zealand, I earned my next degree in Secondary Biology Education and then become certified in Secondary Chemistry Education as well!
I spent my first 5 years teaching both Introduction to Chemistry as well as Human Anatomy & Physiology. Now in my 9th year teaching at Richland High School, I am teaching Chemistry, Advanced Chemistry, and Honors Chemistry to Juniors and Sophomores. I feel so fortunate to be apart of the Ramily and cannot envision myself at any other school!
I am so extremely excited for the 2024-2025 school year!
2024-2025 Google Classroom Codes:
Period 2 btsbqwx
Period 3 hb64ity
Period 4 locjfom
Period 6 vp5zdmf
Period 7 fgu4guf
Period 8 zra2e7s
Period 9 oxbsw2u
2024-2025 Remind 101 Code (text to the "phone number" 81010): @spangerc